As many of you know, Vellie Dietrich-Hall, one of the three 8th District representatives on the State Central Committee (SCC), has relocated to Farmville (in the 5th District) and has resigned her seat on the SCC. Vellie was a fantastic member of the SCC, a leader in our outreach efforts, and she will definitely be missed in the 8th District. She’s staying very active, though, and has already gotten involved in the very important 5th District race. Thanks to Vellie for her tremendous service to the 8th District and the Virginia GOP.
The 8th District Committee has finalized the process for filling the vacancy on the SCC. The process will be as follows:
Individuals interested in being candidates for the vacant 8th District SCC seat must submit a statement of candidacy to the District Chairman, Mike Ginsberg, by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 29. Submissions may be made by e-mail or in hard copy by U.S. Mail or courier to Mike Ginsberg, 8th District Chairman, 1276 N. Wayne St. #408, Arlington, VA 22201.
Candidates will be invited to address the 8th District Committee at its next meeting, on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 2 p.m., to be held at the Community Room of the Williamsburg Condominium, 1276 N. Wayne St. #408, Arlington, VA 22201. The time allotted will depend on the number of candidates, but will likely be 3-5 minutes. Immediately thereafter, the committee will vote by secret ballot to determine the new SCC member. The new member will immediately take office and will represent the 8th District at the next State Central Committee meeting on Saturday, November 20 (at the RPV Advance).
If you have questions, please contact Mike Ginsberg at