8th District Republican Committee calls for investigation of Moran campaign
ARLINGTON, VA – The Chairman of the 8th Congressional District of Virginia Republican Committee yesterday sent letters to Office of the Attorney General of Virginia and the Virginia State Board of Elections asking that they open an investigation into the Moran for Congress campaign’s practices in the wake of the video scandal in which Pat Moran, the son of 8th District Rep. Jim Moran and a paid campaign staffer, appeared in a video apparently advising a man posing as a Democratic operative on how to commit voter fraud.
The letters read as follows:
October 25, 2012
The Honorable Ken Cuccinelli
Office of the Attorney General
Commonwealth of Virginia
900 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Video of Moran Campaign Worker Appearing to Provide Voter Fraud Advice
Dear Attorney General Cuccinelli,
I write to respectfully request that the Virginia Attorney General’s Office undertake an investigation of the Moran for Congress campaign in the 8th Congressional District of Virginia based on a video released yesterday of one campaign staffer — Rep. Jim Moran’s son, Patrick — appearing to provide advice and guidance on how to commit voter fraud to an individual posing as a Democratic political activist.
The video is deeply distressing. It shows Patrick Moran seeming to suggest that one could vote in the name of another by presenting a fake utility bill to election officials. It further shows Patrick Moran suggesting that the man posing as a Democratic political activist impersonate a pollster to identify citizens who do not intend to vote, in order to vote in their names. He also appears to suggest that election lawyers assembled by the Democratic Party will be prepared to defend people presenting fraudulent identification at the polls.
I believe an investigation is necessary to determine whether Patrick Moran was acting on his own, or whether there is a systemic problem within the Moran campaign of staffers providing similar improper voting advice and guidance. It is essential that our district be confident that the results on Election Day are not marred by voter fraud. The type of voter fraud that Patrick Moran appears to have suggested is especially pernicious, because it disenfranchises specific individuals — the individuals whose names are improperly used by others. Worse, it appears that attorneys for the Democratic Party may be prepared to defend such votes, as Patrick Moran suggested.
We greatly appreciate the work of the Attorney General’s Office and thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Michael E. Ginsberg
8th District Republican Committee
October 25, 2012
The Honorable Donald Palmer
Secretary, Virginia State Board of Elections
Washington Building, First Floor
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Video of Moran Campaign Worker Appearing to Provide Voter Fraud Advice
Dear Secretary Palmer,
I write to respectfully request that the Virginia State Board of Elections undertake an investigation of the Moran for Congress campaign in the 8th Congressional District of Virginia based on a video released yesterday of one campaign staffer — Rep. Jim Moran’s son, Patrick — appearing to provide advice and guidance on how to commit voter fraud to an individual posing as a Democratic political activist.
The video is deeply distressing. It shows Patrick Moran seeming to suggest that one could vote in the name of another by presenting a fake utility bill to election officials. It further shows Patrick Moran suggesting that the man posing as a Democratic political activist impersonate a pollster to identify citizens who do not intend to vote, in order to vote in their names. He also appears to suggest that election lawyers assembled by the Democratic Party will be prepared to defend people presenting fraudulent identification at the polls.
I believe an investigation is necessary to determine whether Patrick Moran was acting on his own, or whether there is a systemic problem within the Moran campaign of staffers providing similar improper voting advice and guidance. It is essential that our district be confident that the results on Election Day are not marred by voter fraud. The type of voter fraud that Patrick Moran appears to have suggested is especially pernicious, because it disenfranchises specific individuals — the individuals whose names are improperly used by others. Worse, it appears that attorneys for the Democratic Party may be prepared to defend such votes, as Patrick Moran suggested.
We greatly appreciate the work of the SBE and thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Michael E. Ginsberg
8th District Republican Committee
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Pingback:BREAKING: State Board of Elections asks Attorney General to investigate Moran campaign | Retire Jim Moran