Secure Your Vote
Just wanted to pop into your inbox with a friendly reminder. The final date to either register for voting or update your current details is coming up on October 16th.
This isn’t one of those things you can put off. The impact of our upcoming elections is too crucial to just stand by and watch.
We have a critical decision to make this November.
It’s a choice between the roadblocks created by the Virginia Senate Democrats over recent years and the practical advancements advocated by Governor Youngkin and the Republican House majority.
Our goal is straightforward – we need every eligible Republican voter to cast their vote. And the journey starts with everyone being registered to vote.
The silver lining here is that registering and choosing early in-person voting or mail-in voting has never been easier. You can visit for detailed guidance on the process.
I’m also excited to share that early in-person voting has commenced all over Virginia and will continue until Saturday, November 4th.
Let’s turn Virginia RED!
Andrew Loposser
8th District GOP Chairman