72 Hour Get Out the Vote Weekend!
The campaigns need your help now more than ever! Election Day is just a few days away. If you haven’t volunteered yet, this is when you need to act. And if you have volunteered already and think you’ve worked hard enough, work harder. A couple hours at relaxing at home is nice for a couple hours, but spend those couple hours campaigning instead, and it will pay off for years to come when our newly elected Republicans make Virginia a freer and more prosperous place to live. Don’t just focus on the 2012 elections, because the road to 2012 starts here, as Congressman Allen West said at our reception last week and as RPV Chairman Pat Mullins said at this month’s FCRC meeting. The nation is watching to see what Virginia will do. We can send the national Democrats running scared (even more than they are now) if we take control of the state Senate, increase our majority in the House, and put Republicans in local offices that have been held by Democrats for decades. We cannot emphasize enough how important these elections are, and the campaigns need your help!
72-Hour Rally with McDonnell, Bolling, Cuccinelli, and Mullins — Fairfax County Republican Committee 72-Hour Rally with Gov. Bob McDonnell, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and RPV Chairman Pat Mullins. It will be held at the Interstate Van Lines, 5801 Rolling Road in Springfield (map). Anyone can come, from Fairfax County as well as Alexandria, Arlington, and Falls Church activists – all are welcome to come get fired up and then after the rally, immediately go campaigning! Additionally, former First Lady of Virginia Susan Allen will be at the FCRC headquarters at 4246 Chain Bridge Road in Fairfax (map) to greet phone bank volunteers after the rally, and the headquarters will be open for volunteers from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Call FCRC headquarters at 703-766-4467 for more details.
Door Knocking & Phone Banking for Caren Merrick for State Senate — This is an open seat, and Caren Merrick has a great shot at winning it. The Merrick campaign needs volunteers all weekend from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday and 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday. The campaign headquarters is at 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd. Suite 302 in McLean (map). Contact Edward Yap at edward@carenmerrick.com or 571-399-5014 to help or for more details.
Door Knocking for Chris Marston for Clerk — The Alexandria Clerk’s race is quite close, and Chris Marston has gotten favorable press coverage, so this would be a great way to get a stronger Republican foothold in Alexandria. The Marston campaign needs volunteers all weekend to go door knocking in Alexandria, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm Saturday and 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday. Meet at the campaign headquarters at 206 North Washington St. in Old Town Alexandria (map).
Election Day Training for the Alexandria Republican City Committee — The ARCC needs volunteers to work inside and outside the polls on Election Day. This is an underappreciated but very important task. If you are interested, contact Marianne Coates at m-b-coates@comcast.net or 703-751-8362. The committee is holding two training sessions for poll volunteers, on Saturday from 1:00-2:00 pm and Sunday from 2:00-3:00 pm. The sessions will be at the Marston for Clerk headquarters at 206 North Washington St. in Old Town Alexandria (map).
Door Knocking & Phone Banking for Miller Baker for State Senate with an appearance from Ed Gillespie — Miller Baker has a great shot at beating the Democratic-redistricting mastermind Senator George Barker – even The Washington Post has admitted that Baker is a formidable candidate and Baker is vulnerable. Former Chairman of the Republican National Committee Ed Gillespie will speak to volunteers on Saturday at 9:00 am at the Baker campaign headquarters at 7144 Main St. in Clifton (map). The campaign will need volunteers after that and all weekend either at the campaign headquarters or Prince William County Republican Committee headquarters at 4431 Prince William Parkway in Woodbridge (map). Contact campaign manager Dan Letovsky at dan@millerbaker.org or the campaign headquarters at 571-208-6787 to help or for more details.
Chili Lit Drop for Spike Williams for Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors — Republican Pat Herrity lost the 2009 Chairman’s election to Sharon Bulova by a margin of 1% – and that was two weeks after Barack Obama took office when the environment was very favorable to Democrats. Now in 2011, the environment is downright hostile to Democrats – Spike Williams is our best shot in awhile to put a Republican in the Chairman’s seat. The campaign will be hosting a Chili Lit Drop all day Saturday – stop by 9516 Center Street in Vienna (map) anytime between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm to pick up literature to distribute, then join Spike & Julie Williams at their home at 12305 Delevan Drive in Herndon (map) for a chili dinner from 6:00-8:00 pm. RSVP to rw_king@gmail.com or julie@williamsrealty.us.
Door Knocking and Phone Banking for Rob Sarvis for State Senate — Rob Sarvis is running to knock off Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw – what a pickup that would be! Contact the campaign at info@robertsarvis.com or 571-499-4015.
Door Knocking and Phone Banking for Tim McGhee for State Senate — Tim McGhee is another candidate with a great shot at winning an open seat. Contact the campaign at tim@timmcghee.us or 571-403-0153.
Phone Banking for Patrick Forrest for State Senate — Patrick Forrest is running against Janet Howell, who has been in office as long as Jim Moran – 20 years – and this would be a great pickup. The Forrest campaign needs volunteers all weekend and will be hosting a phone bank night at Arlington County Republican Committee headquarters at 405 South Glebe Road in Arlington (map) from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Sunday. Contact Erik Newland at enewland@forrest2011.com or 571-215-6362 to help or for more details.
Please help our campaigns this weekend – we’re less than 100 hours from Election Day!
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