A big weekend!
What a tremendous weekend! On the national scene, we saw the exciting announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential running mate. Ryan is one of the most effective communicators and intellectual leaders of the GOP, and will be a tremendous asset to the ticket. Can’t wait for that first debate with Biden!
Locally, we had a tremendous first walk out of the new 8th District Victory office in Alexandria, great walks out of the Arlington Victory Office, and an excellent showing at the Arlington County Fair and Alexandria Irish Festival. We ran out of some lit at the Arlington Fair, it went so quickly!
We’ll keep going with our Operation Potomac Crossing activities as well as our 8th District Alexandria Victory Office. And Retire Jim Moran is in action as well, so be sure to check out the RJM blog.
Finally, last week, WTOP Radio released a poll showing Romney and Obama in a dead heat in Northern Virginia! That is the direct result of your hard work and dedication. Let’s keep it up and Make Virginia Red in 2012!