From the Fairfax GOP: Thank You Ed Gillespie!
Earlier this afternoon, Ed Gillespie announced that he had called Mark Warner to congratulate him on winning the 2014 campaign. Ed has concluded that there is no realistic way to make up the roughly 16,000 votes that separate him and Senator Warner. I am always disappointed when our candidates come up short – never more so than in this case.
Ed’s many outstanding qualities made him a formidable candidate. First among those qualities was his courage: To take on a sitting United States Senator, having never run for elective office, is an enormous undertaking which few of us would ever consider. On the campaign trail, Ed’s optimism, love of country, and genuine commitment to advancing policies that would improve the lives of every Virginian were evident in every interaction he had with voters. His ability to communicate his positions clearly and convincingly is second to none. And his honesty, courtesy, and decency mark him as an exceptional man.
Ed said from the beginning that it would be a hard race to win, but that it was winnable. The narrow margin proves he was right: the lesson for all of us is never quit and never believe the nay-sayers. Ed gave it everything he had, as did Cathy, who represented him so well all across the Commonwealth.
The Fairfax County Republican Committee is proud to have Ed and Cathy as members, and proud to have had the opportunity to support them in such a worthy endeavor.
In Fairfax County, Ed’s campaign outperformed the statewide races of 2012 and 2013. In recent years, only the McDonnell-Bolling-Cuccinelli sweep of 2009 has done better in Fairfax. While we are proud of our work on Ed’s behalf, this performance is a testament to his strength as a candidate.
Ed’s efforts will benefit our committee and future candidates. We are constantly working to strengthen our organization, and by engaging the many different communities in the County, Ed’s campaign has done much to expand the reach of the Republican Party in Fairfax.
Please join me in thanking Ed for representing our party so honorably and so well throughout the 2014 campaign.
Most sincerely,
Matt Ames
Fairfax County Republican Committee