2015 RPV Advance
The annual Republican Party of Virginia Advance is coming up soon!
It will be held December 11-13 at the Omni Homestead in Hot Springs, VA. Speakers include Laura Ingraham, Michael Steele, John Bolton, Ken Cuccinelli, Ed Gillespie, Pete Snyder, the Virginia Republican congressional delegation, Corey Stewart, John Whitbeck, Jim Gilmore, and many other big names in Virginia and national politics, along with helpful training workshops and breakout sessions from state and national leaders. Over three dozen Republican members of the General Assembly will also be present.
Ticket packages start at $80/person with proceeds benefiting the Republican Party of Virginia. Limited rooms are available at the Omni Homestead and nearby hotels; click here for a list.
For information about the 2015 Advance, visit www.RPVadvance.com.