What you need to know for Saturday’s Convention
Dear 8th District Convention Delegates,
Thank you for signing up to be a delegate to the 8th Congressional District Republican Convention THIS Saturday at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington (200 South Carlin Springs Road, Arlington, VA 22204). Here is the information on what to expect from the event.
Registration opens at 8:00 am, and you will need to present your PHOTO ID to check in.
Registration closes at 10:00 am. Only those in line by 10:00 am will be allowed to register, receive their credentials and be eligible to vote. Please plan to arrive on site no later than 9:45 to give yourself time to park and get in line on time.
The agenda for the Convention is as follows:
- Call to Order (promptly at 10:00 am)
- Opening Ceremonies
- Election of Temporary Chairman
- Election of Temporary Secretary
- Reading of the Call
- Report of the Credentials Committee
- Report of the Rules Committee
- Elections for District Chairman and Elector
- Speeches by Candidates for Congress
- Speeches by Candidates for State Central Committee
- Speeches by Candidates for Delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention
- Elections for Congress, State Central Committee and Delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention (voting will not begin earlier than 10:30 am)
- Announcement of Results
- Adjournment
All contested elections will take place on one ballot. Voting will take place using optical scan ballots. Be prepared to fill in the spaces on your ballot COMPLETELY (not with an “X” or check mark) so the machines will accept the ballots the first time. That way we can move people through the process as quickly as possible.
The list of candidates is available on our convention page.
There is no food or drink allowed in the auditorium. Please plan on eating a good breakfast. And with your cooperation, we will have voting concluded in time for lunch.
Again, I appreciate your willingness to participate in the Convention on Mother’s Day weekend. Look forward to seeing you Saturday.
Mark Kelly
Chairman, 8th District Republican Committee